Italian Language - Next Step

21st October 2024

5 weeks, Mon, 7:00pm 9:00pm
$99.00 incl. gst

Course Description

"Sin che si vive, s’impara sempre." - "As long as you live, you always learn."

This course is a continuation of the Italian Language Course - Beginners Level, taught by our talented tutor Ida Morelli.

What Will You Gain?

Ä€konga/Students will expand the basic foundation of the Italian language vocabulary, grammar and conversation.  

Course Prerequisites

To complete the Italian Language - Beginners: Rutherford College Community Education Centre ( or to have some previous knowledge of the Italian language.

Course Materials

The tutor provides the written materials. The cost of materials is included in the course fee.

Please note: All courses need a minimum number to go ahead. If your course does not have enough enrolments, we regret that we will have to cancel and will let you know either by email or text. Courses are usually cancelled, when necessary, 2-3 working days prior to the scheduled start date.